Central European Congress of Modernization


The event aims to integrate the scientific communities of economic and social history, economics, cultural and religious studies, social communication and media sciences, as well as philosophy and pedagogy from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.


October 23, 
International Panels


October 24,
Mixed Panels


October 25,
Polish Panels

Detailed Conference Programme


The organizers, wanting to ensure the greatest possible access to knowledge, prepared a broadcast via the MS Teams application.

You are welcome to participate.

The list of panels and dedicated links to them is below or download in PDF file


Opening Ceremony and Key Lectures


Panel I. History, media, society (Historia, media, społeczeństwo)


Panel II Media as a factor of modernization (Media jako czynnik modernizacyjny)


Panel III. Attitudes toward Modernization (Postawy wobec modernizacji)


Panel IV. Multiperspective modernization (Wielowymiarowość modernizacji)



Opening ceremony and Key Lectures


Panel I. Wybrane aspekty przemian modernizacyjnych w XVII-XX wieku (Selected aspects of modernization transformations in the 17th-20th centuries)


Panel II. Procesy modernizacyjne w pierwszej połowie XX wieku (Modernization processes in first part of XX century)


Panel III. Procesy modernizacyjne po 1945 roku (Modernization processes after 1945)


Panel IV. Media, modernizacja, edukacja (Media, modernization, education)



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Created with Fabric.js 3.6.6


Created with Fabric.js 3.6.6


Scientific  Board

prof. dr Despina Katerakaksani (University of Peloponesse)
prof. dr Andrij Gorbaczyk (Taras Shevczenko Univeristy)
prof. dr hab. Iwona Hoffman (UMCS Lublin)
prof. dr hab. Henrietta Nagy (Milton Friedman University)
prof. dr hab. Jozef Kaposzta (Janos Kladonay University)
prof. dr hab. Tamas Toth (Milton Friedman University)
prof. dr hab. Sorin Sipos (University in Oradea)
prof dr hab. Teresa Sasińska-Klas (Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie)
prof. dr hab. Mirosław Kłusek (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
prof. dr hab. Christoph Augustynowicz (Uniwersytet Wiedeński)
dr hab. Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska, prof. UW (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
dr hab. Artur Markowski, prof. UW (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
dr hab. Sławomir Kamosiński, prof. UKW (Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy)
dr hab. Mariusz Kolczyński, prof. UŚ (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
dr hab. Agnieszka Hess, prof. UJ (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)
doc dr Bohuslav Kuzysyn (Uniwersytet Preszowski)
dr Marion Dotter (Collegium Carolinum)
dr Tomasz Związek (Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania, Polska Akademia Nauk)

Organizing Committee

prof. dr hab. Paweł Grata (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)
dr Jarosław Kinal (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)
dr Joachim Popek (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)
dr Bartosz Pasterski (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)
dr Mariola Kinal (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)
mgr Michał Skóra (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)

                         Congress documents:  Congress Regulations (ENG), Regulamin Kongresu (PL)

Congress organiser - Univerisity of Rzeszow

The University of Rzeszow (UR) is one of the largest and most important universities in southeastern Poland. It was established on September 1, 2001 as a result of the merger of three Rzeszow universities: The Higher School of Pedagogy, a branch of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University and the Agricultural University. Currently, the University of Rzeszow offers a wide range of majors in 4 field colleges: College of Humanities, College of Social Sciences, College of Natural Sciences and College of Medical Sciences. 

University of Rzeszow
Flaga i godło Polski

Project financing

Project name: Central European Congress of Modernization.

Principal investigator - dr Jarosław Kinal, PhD

Period of implementation: 01.10.2023-30.09.2025

The project was partially financed from the government budget
Financing institution - Ministry of Education and Science / Excellent Science Programme

Project value- 243,400 PLN
Funding value - 218 900 PLN

Project description:

The aim of the project is to organize and implement the Central European Modernization Congress devoted to modernization processes occurring throughout history from an interdisciplinary perspective in Central and Eastern Europe. An integral part of the project's implementation will be the publication of the results of the speeches presented during the event in the formula of open access in a digital version on an Internet platform dedicated to the event, and in a printed version in the form of reviewed monographs published in Polish and English. The event aims to integrate scholarly circles dealing with economic and social history, economics, cultural and religious studies, social communication and media studies, and philosophy and pedagogy from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, i.e. Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine and the Balkan states, with a particular focus on researchers dealing with the issues of the economic and social modernization processes taking place in the region and the identifiable paths of development in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of history, culture and media. An additional goal of the event is to establish formal relations and develop common fields of cooperation during the project workshops that are part of the Congress. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to organize a  scientific meeting in a hybrid form (with the possibility of desktop and online participation) and to publish two scientific monographs resulting from the work of the Congress.


Biuro Kolegium Nauk Humanistycznych
al. T. Rejtana 16C
35-959 Rzeszów, Poland

Contact person:
dr Jarosław Kinal, PhD
phone: +48 17 872 13 02
email: jkinal@ur.edu.pl